Hi Sergiu,
Thanks for the information, I understand how NewPage panel works.
I have created a drop down list of templates and Spaces. Now i want users to select the template and Space from the drop down while creating new pages. While doing this i can create new page with selected parate but new page always created in current space.
Do you know why this is happening.
Below is the modified code:

#panelheader($msg.get("Create New Page"))
<form method="post" action="$doc.getURL("view","xpage=create")" onsubmit = "cancelCancelEdit()">
<div class="padded centered">
#set($spaces = $xwiki.spaces)
#set($first = true)
<select name="parent" class="panelselect" >
  #foreach($space in $spaces)
  #set($first = false)
##  <span class="pitemseparator">|</span>
  #if($space == $doc.web)
  <option value=${space}.WebHome>${space}</option>
  <option value=${space}.WebHome>${space}</option>

<select name="template" class="panelselect">
  <option value="MySpace.tempClassTemplate">Screen template</option>
  <option value="MySpace.Report Template">Report Template</option>
<div class="padded centered">
<select name="tocreate" class="panelselect">
  <option value="page">New Page\*</option>
  <option value="space">New Space</option>
  <option value="post">New Blog Post</option>

<input type="text" name="title" value="Title" class="panelinput" style="margin:auto;" onfocus="if(this.value=='Title') this.value=''" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Title'"/>

<div class="padded centered" style="text-align:center;">
<input type="submit" class="button" style="margin:auto;" value="$msg.get("create")"/>
<p style="font-size:0.75em;padding-left:8px;">*New pages are created in current space</p>

On 3/13/08, Sergiu Dumitriu <sergiu@xwiki.com> wrote:
nitin wankhede wrote:
> Hi All,
> We are building Knowledge managment system for our internal use. We want
> to give an option to user so that he/she can create new page in selected
> space based on templates. I tried modifying the Create New panel by
> adding drop down list of templates and existing spaces
> respectively, however not able to create new pages in selected space
> using available templates.  Please reply if you know how to solve this.

The panel is just an interface, the real code that creates pages is in
/templates/create.vm (if you're using XE 1.3) or in

Sergiu Dumitriu
devs mailing list