Hi Dan,


From: Dan Murphy [mailto:dm.subs@googlemail.com]
Sent: mercredi 3 janvier 2007 12:42
To: xwiki-dev@objectweb.org
Subject: [xwiki-dev] Errors building in eclipse


As per a page http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Community/BuildingInEclipse there are a couple of issues if one tries to build XWiki inside eclipse.

Is it of interest to get this working properly ? if so there is a .classpath file that fixes some (trivial) problems (http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/download/Community/BuildingInEclipse/.classpath ).



The catus ant task def has some errors (inside eclipse anyway) - seems to be due to the interaction between cactus-ant and junit the following warning is issued:

A class needed by class org.apache.cactus.integration.ant.CactusTask cannot be found: junit/framework/TestListener    xwiki-trunk    build.xml    line 211


This is because Ant has some limitation in that you need to have the junit.jar in your ANTHOME/lib directory.


This actually prevents the ant script from being executed correctly - since I don't (currently) run the targets that needs this I can get around the problem by simply commenting out the taskdef - however I'm a bit stumped on how to fix this properly (since the class in question should be available).

Assuming building in eclipse is desired (and that the svn repository should contain the .classpath and other . files used by eclipse) shall I simply open a couple of jira's for these problems ?

Yes please (and provide patches too ;-)). Note that in the future we’ll remove all IDE files from SVN and instead use Maven2 to generate these files for us (mvn eclipse:eclipse and mvn idea:idea). But for now they are there and they’re supposed to be working. Anything that is not working is a bug.



Apologies for preempting any discussions on xwiki-dev by creating the "BuildingInEclipse" page, I assumed that since I could create content on the wiki then it was ok to do so... In future I'll discuss on dev list prior to creating xwiki.org content :)

It’s fine Dan. No worries. It’s just that it’s easier to work out stuff together than finding out randomly that there are issues by finding a page that explains the issues. I’m talking about the “Correct a few classpath & ant problems” section.