Looks like a resend from earlier... :) It's good to ping the list but make sure you reference you previous email.

I haven't answered because I don't know the answer...


On Jul 16, 2007, at 7:03 PM, Jacob Bresciani wrote:

I’m setting up an xwiki for my organization and I’ve managed to tie it to our 2003 Domain controller for user authentication. My problem is that with xwiki 1.0 users could just log in with their domain accounts, registration of said user was automatic. With 1.1 milestone 2 the user must be registered first or they don’t seem to have permissions to view anything, sometimes it just won’t accept them at all. I’m using the same configuration lines in xwiki.cfg for 1.1 as I did for 1.0. Am I missing something? Or is this working as intended?
Jacob Bresciani