On 8/6/07, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:

On Aug 5, 2007, at 9:59 PM, Asiri Rathnayake wrote:

Hi all,

I have a few doubts that might arise when we're implementing off-line operation of XEclipse.

1. Currently, when the user saves a page after editing, no checks are made to ensure that if the same page has been modified by someone else at the same time. But avoiding this is a problem since that would require us to retrieve the page again (to check locks) every-time user tries to save a page.

You should only retrieve the last modified date and not the full page maybe? I don't think doing a server call is an issue. I'd rather have that than overwrite changes made on the server...

2. Also, when a page is retrieved for the first time if there are any locks are present, we must convey that information to the user (in the extreme case, we can disallow any attempts to modify a page with any locks in it).

3. How permissions should be conveyed to users ? And how to handle them ? (currently, this is ignored)

Good point. I don't think we have this yet. Maybe Catalin could help you propose something to add to our XMLRPC API since I believe this is part of the Confluence XML RPC API that we just haven't implemented yet. So maybe you could implement the part you miss. Maybe Catalin could also help you?

I'll work on this along XEclipse off-line, but time constraints might be an issue. Anyway, we definitely need this.

We can use different icons for all of these situations (for permissions , dirty pages etc.), but that would  require a lot of icons (and we're running out of appropriate icons too).

For icons, I've been using the Tango icons ( http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project).

This is simply coooool... :)

Thanks a lot.

- Asiri


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