

Each skin directory should have a configuration file, used by the skin packager tool, containing things like skin name, skin description, base skin (needed for skins that only modify another skin, like change colors), skin version, required core versions. Some of these properties should also be added to the XWikiSkins class.

On 12/30/06, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:

As previously discussed, it would be nice to put skins in a specific
location in SVN so that we can start delivering skins separately from the
main distribution. I'm proposing to put the skins in:

  |_ skins/
    |_ <skin1>/
    |_ <skinN>/

The web/* modules builds would still bundle one skin.

Now the question I still have is how do we make the skins available to end

We have 2 options:
1) We could provide them as zips. The users would then have to have access
to the machine where the wiki is running and unzip them in the skins/ dir of
the webapp.
2) Provide them as a single XML document (with all files attached to the
skin document), as a XAR.

I think option 2 is much better as it allows users to install the skin
without requiring access to the machine.

Note: Sergiu tells me that we need to check that attaching all the files to
a skins document works as he had some issues with an old wiki. As a reminder
Sergiu tells me that skin files are searched in 5 places:
- XWikiSkins object property
- skin doc attachment
- skin directory
- base skin
- default skin

It's a little bit more complex in term of build but it should still be
doable. Here's how I envisage it:

* have the skin files in the <skinN> directories as mentioned above
* have the build use the XWiki Java API to do the following:
  - create a Document
  - add a XWikiSkins object to it
  - for each file in <skinN> attach it to the Document
  - export the Document in XML
* have the build create a package file (XAR format) and create a XAR file

Thus each <skinN> modules would produce a XAR file



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