We can use both . if can it is better for us

-Phung Nam

On 3/13/07, Sergiu Dumitriu < sergiu.dumitriu@gmail.com> wrote:

On 3/13/07, Pablo Oliveira <pablo.oliveira@enst.fr > wrote:
On Mar 13, Vincent Massol wrote :
> We'll have to take a decision here in the future:
> 1) either we provide a configuration per component
> 2) or we provide a global configuration
> I prefer 1) because:
> - a component is encapsulated completely in a JAR
> - a component shouldn't  see by default configuration from other
> components. It's these other components who should offer APIs to
> return configuration data if required

I also like 1 better.

Yet I think from a user point of view, it seems more natural to edit a
single xwiki.cfg file than to edit a conf file inside some component's
JAR meta data. So I would still allow some global way of overriding
components configuration from a single configuration source.


I also think that we need both.


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