
Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I think xwiki objects cannot be instance of types (such as "StaticListClass"), but only of xwiki classes. the types (String, StaticList, etc.) are only intended to be classes properties.

There is a privileged API to make queries that can return objects or properties : $xwiki.search($wheresql). Privileged means the velocity script running it needs to be saved by someone with the "programming" right allowed.

It can then retrieve your objects this way :

#set($myobjects=$xwiki.search("select obj from BaseObject as obj where obj.className='MySpace.MyClass'"))

Have fun,

On 6/6/07, evelyne24@gmail.com <evelyne24@gmail.com> wrote:

I have problems making a query to retrieve from the database all the objects that are from a certain class (e.g "TryClass") and of a certain type as well (e.g "StaticListClass").
Can anyone give me a hint please?

Thank you very much.

Evelina Slatineanu

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