Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
I am using Eclipse intensively when working on XWiki, but I am a 
console-fanatic, so the way I work is not the best way.

So, in order to setup the XWiki source code for Eclipse, you must do the 

1. Install the custom version of Maven as described on
2. Checkout the sources. I prefer using the command-line svn client, but 
you can use any svn client you want
3. Generate the eclipse project (I do this only for the java sources), 
this is done by going to xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-core and running "mvn 
eclipse:eclipse"; you can do this in any other directory which has a 
pom.xml file in it, and you can also add "-DdownloadSources=true" and 
"-DdownloadJavadocs=true" to download and link to the sources/javadoc 
archives, too, so that you can navigate inside the code or get more info 
about the used code. So the full command line is "mvn eclipse:eclipse 
-DdownloadSources=true -DdownloadJavadocs=true"
4. Open Eclipse and choose "File -> Import -> Existing project into 
workspace" and choose the directory used at 3.
5. Go to Preferences -> Java -> Build Path -> Classpath Variables and 
create a new variable named M2_REPO pointing to ~/.m2/repository
6. In order to build various parts of the project, I use the command 
line mvn client, but I guess you can also use a Maven plugin for Eclipse


Your XEN ICT Team - Ricardo Rodriguez wrote:
Thanks all!

I've been asked to use a tool other than XWiki to develop a project I do 
think perfectly fits with XWiki great features. People there use 
Eclipse, so I am trying to get XWiki built from/in this environment.

I've been a bit lost trying to understand how XEclipse fits in the game 
and messing up things. Thanks for your help.

Best regards,



devs mailing list

Thanks, Sergiu. I'll follow this message and the previous ones and keep this thread posted.



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your XEN ICT Team