Thanks. I learnt few things about how to make a proper patch too (should have done before), my patches are bit too crappy.

I was thinking, can we use this mechanism for purposes like notifying (send an email or something like that) to the original author of the document when the document is changed ? Or is some other mechanism there for this purpose ?

Best Regards,

- Asiri

On 7/21/07, Vincent Massol <> wrote:
For those interested I've sent a patch for implementing a new notification mechanism.
It's available here:

I'd love to get feedback on this. Here's what I say in there:

At the place where you want to register for an event:

getObservationManager().addListener(new DocumentSaveEvent("DocumentToWatch"), listener);

At the place where you want to receive for an event:

public class MyListener implements EventListener
        public void onEvent(Event event, Object source, Object data)

At the place where you want to fire notifications to event listeners:

getObservationManager().notify(new DocumentSaveEvent("SomeDocument"), "some source", "some data");

It's easily extensible and you can create all sorts of events as it's fully generic.

Have a look at the implementation. You'll see I have even introduced the notion of EventFilter so that we can have regex when registering interest for an event.


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