Hello again, and here's my progress report:

I need the Google gdata api integrated into xwiki to help me with my task of developing Google Docs capabilities for XWiki.

The gdata api can be downloaded from: http://code.google.com/p/gdata-java-client/ (other programming languages available, but I believe we need java, right? :) )

Upon build, said api exports about a dozen jars into it's lib folder, of which (I believe) I only need 3: gdata-base, gdata-spreadsheets and gdata-client (might need others too, not sure, since I can't attempt to build right now - the gdata api requires JDK 1.5 to build). Those jars need be added to the xwiki lib folder and updating of build.xml and pom.xml as necessary.
From my observation, Google updates this api frequently (2 weeks?) so it would be really nice if we could actually include the gdata download and build process into svn / building xwiki (not sure if it can <or should> be done, since I am not up to speed with how the whole svn building is done).

If there are any other details required, do ask, and I'll do my best to answer ASAP.

Have a nice day,