So excited to hear 1.0 final version is closed to us. The international character set support should be a key feature to this version. In my opinion XWiki will become a excellent none-kernel application solution for enterprise soon,so I will try to using  svn's trunk version to process utf-8 characters,the attached file is my translated Simplified Chinese version of resource file base on revision  1777 which encoded by utf-8.
Admin pages of XWiki can not modify display language but manualy update 'xwp_language' field of table 'xwikipreferences' works. is it a bug?

- Jackson

2006/12/19, Sergiu Dumitriu < sergiu.dumitriu@gmail.com>:
OK for me.

On 12/19/06, Vincent Massol < vincent@massol.net> wrote:
Hi everyone,

We need to organize JIRA for our 1.0 final release. As the 1.0 release
manager I'm listing in this email my view on what 1.0 should container and
the roadmap. Please let me know all your comments.


* 1.0 means that the application can be used in production and does
something useful. This is already the case as XWiki is used in lots of
places in production. As a consequence 1.0 should be as close as possible to
the current version in trunk but bugs fixed.
* All usability improvements or new features should thus be moved to 1.1 or


* 1.0 beta 1 is going to be delivered today (19th of Dec 2006)
* I'd like to allow for 2 weeks releases from now on till 1.0 final. Thus:
  - 1.0 beta 2 for the 6th of January 2007 (allowing for 1 week during
  - 1.0 rc1 for the 20th of January 2007 and promoted to 1.0 final if stable
after 2 weeks of users using it, i.e. for the 3rd of Feb. 2007
  - If rc1 is not stable enough, then we do a rc2 for the 3rd of February
and promote it to 1.0 final if stable after 2 weeks of users using it ( i.e.
17th of Feb)

What this means is that for 1.0 final we should add JIRA issues *only* for
doing work till the 20th of January. Evyerthing else must be moved to 1.1
and beyond.

As a technical aside, this means that we will create a 1.0 branch on the 6th
of January 2007.

Let me know if the dates are ok with you.


* Known Bug fixes.
* News bug fixes discovered when user start using 1.0 beta 1
* A few select features. I'm proposing:
  - Page Rename. Lots of wikis have this feature and I think that's the
major feature we're lacking right now.
  - Email notification when pages are modified (watch feature). Only if we
already have most of the code. Otherwise move to 1.1.
* Documentation, documentation and documentation. This means finishing
moving old.xwiki.org to xwiki.org and documenting new features like the new
{image} macro, etc
* More simple and quick wins macros so that there are less HTML in the
pages. For example: {column} macro to display content on several columns,
{panel} macro to display panels in pages.
* Start packaging applications (blog, search, photos, etc) in XAR files.
This will allow to releases new versions of these even if the core is not
released again.

Note: The number of bugs that we'll fix will only depend on the manpower
that we have. In other words, we'll fix as many as possible but still
release with outstanding bugs. Of course critical bugs needs to be addressed

Let me know if you know of other tasks that you think must absolutely be
done before 1.0 final.

Next steps

Could everyone who's going to work on 1.0 final please review his tasks in
JIRA and move them according to the strategy above, and assign them to
himself/herself? When you do so please remember that you're committing to
working on the issue in the timeframe allocated for the different releases.
It's very important that everyone respects this so that we don't deviate
from our release dates.

Please all target to have a sorted out JIRA till 1.0 final by Friday.


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