On Jul 26, 2007, at 4:39 PM, Asiri Rathnayake wrote:

Hi Vincent,

I just did an svn up and now it's renaming every sub-module with <module-name>.OLD
and checking out the new sources into a new directory called <module-name>.
For an example xwiki-platform-core is renamed into xwiki-platform-core.OLD and
a new directory called xwiki-platform-core is created (with new sources checked out).
I think i can safely delete the '.OLD' directories and my patches (xmlrpc) would not require any change is it ?

I guess the "old" stuff is a feature or your svn client. Yes you can safely delete "old" I think and no your patch would not require any change.



- Asiri

On 7/26/07, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:

I'm about to modify the SVN externals definition for trunks-users so
that they point to our own XWiki readonly SVN repo instead of
pointing to the OW repo as there are issues with it.

If you have checked out trunks-users, then do a svn update once I've
made the change. Hopefully that'll just work. If not, you might need
to do a new checkout.

Sorry for that
