Yes, xwiki already uses some custom filters and macros, located in the com.xpn.xwiki.render.[filter/macro] packages.

How to implement a custom filter/macro:
1. Write a new class in the com.xpn.xwiki.render.[filter/macro] package. You can look at the existing classes for an example. Some are simple, like StrongFilter, which rely on the match/print configuration (see item 2). You must define a key for the filter/macro.
2. Add the "match" and "print" regular expressions in the core/src/main/resources/ file.
3. Register the new class in core/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/* file. Just add the full classname in the corresponding file.

For more details about how a radeox filter/macro works, I think the radeox documentation is the enough.

I'm not sure about the admin panel for changing the syntax. It can be done, but I don't know if it is such an useful feature. The more complex macros/filters definitely need changes in the java code in order to be customized, and we can't do this from the web interface.

Hope this answers you previous mail, too.


On 12/28/06, Marc Lijour <> wrote:
On Wednesday 27 December 2006 12:33, Vincent Massol wrote:
> * (optional) The rendering would no longer accept the old syntaxes. If we
> want to be extra nice we would continue supporting the old syntaxes for
> some time. Only problem is that this is costing a lot in term of
> development efforts and potential bugs. We would have to take a call on
> this.

Would it be possible for the user to add custom filters for radeox (see my
previous post for the references)?

Is that case it would be acceptable to adopt a restrictive policy, as the user
can set up his preferred behaviour back.

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