Hi Anil,

What you could start with could be an application or a plugin. For instance, check out http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Code/Applications and see which applications could be improved. You could also try and think about a new one that could be useful and try to write it.

For instance, what about a contact manager -> it could be something inspired by both the blog and user profile applications. You could also give a look to the Gsoc page (here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/GoogleSummerOfCode/#HOtherProposedProjects) and see whether any project interests you...

Last point: as Sergiu stated it, it would be easier for us to help you if we have an idea of your programmer background.

Hope you'll enjoy developing for XWiki :-)


On 09/05/07, Gurnani, Anil <agurnani@bear.com> wrote:
Ok so I have been a member of the dev mailing list for over six months
and I have been playing with the latest releases of xwiki for six months
and now I am itching to contribute :-)

Anybody has any ideas for some cool (yet not very hard to implement
cause my understanding of the code is very minimal at this point)
feature to get my feet wet?


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