To XWiki developers who have committed for 1.0 beta1:


I'd like to close the 1.0 beta 1 branch now that 1.0 beta 1 has been delivered (and have a 1.0 beta 1 tag). However before doing so I've done a quick compare of trunk and beta1 branch and I've found the following changes that are newer in the beta1 branch than in trunk. I'd like to be sure we're not missing anything in trunk.


Could you please verify that the trunk is ok for these files please? (I've attached screenshots of diffs to make it easy for you :-))


The left pane in the image represents beta1 and the left one represents trunk.


Name                                                 State             Type        Changes      Left Time         Right Time        Relative Directory                                                   

-------------------------------------------------    -------------     ------      -------      --------------    --------------    ----------------------------------------------------------------------                                        Left Younger      Text             ~1      18/12/06 12:05    17/12/06 13:49    core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/api                                                             Left Younger      Text             +3      18/12/06 12:04    17/12/06 13:49    core/src/main/java/com/xpn/xwiki/plugin/lucene                       

editor_template.js                                   Left Younger      Text        +11 ~53      18/12/06 12:14    18/12/06 10:44      web/standard/src/main/webapp/tiny_mce_2/themes/wikieditor            

image.htm                                            Left Younger      Text            +12      18/12/06 12:14    18/12/06 10:44      web/standard/src/main/webapp/tiny_mce_2/themes/wikieditor            

image.js                                             Left Younger      Text          +6 ~2      18/12/06 12:14    18/12/06 10:44      web/standard/src/main/webapp/tiny_mce_2/themes/wikieditor/jscripts   

attachments.js                                       Left Younger      Text        +12 ~29      18/12/06 12:14    18/12/06 10:44    web/standard/src/main/webapp/wiki_editor_2/plugins                   


