1. We can add a new table, xwikiredirects, which holds redirect URLs.
2. We add document.getRedirects() (maybe both ways, from and to)
3. We need can change docdoesnotexist.vm to check for redirects.

On 3/30/07, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:

On Mar 30, 2007, at 9:01 AM, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:

On 3/30/07, Zeljko Trogrlic <zeljko_t@post.htnet.hr> wrote:
Renaming should leave old page as
redirect page for some time. Redirect page should be detectable by link
processors (using special class?), so they can detect outdated links and
replace them eventually.

Very good observation. I do agree with this. Vincent, can you take care of this?

I also agree with this. We need a JIRA for it. It's probably not going to happen before 1.0 final though (unless someone submits a full working patch for it). It requires some changes to the data model I believe, in order to do it properly (because deleted pages should not be visible as normal pages).

