I now think we should not include it for now as in any case:
1) We don't have enough tests yet. We need a bare minimum. So we need to work on the Selenium app to include more tests for now. We do need an easy way for developers and for contributors to add tests. I think we should install an instance somewhere, maybe on
2) We need to work on it so that becomes extremely easy to use and we should probably provide some user guide once we learn more how to use it. Right now I have only done 1 test (test registration of a user) which was real easy to do but I've quickly tried using it on the WYSIWYG editor and it wasn't as easy (for example we're missing some names, class id, etc to make it easy for Selenium to find HTML elements).
Thus if you're ok I'll remove it from the default wiki but I'll create another wiki (wikis/test for example) which will be the wiki we could upload on
test.xwiki.org for example and where we can ask the community to help in writing tests.