+1 :)

On 6/12/07, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:

I think it's time to officially decide if we want to standardize on
1.5. Some reasons we may want to do this:

* JDK 1.4 is old. 1.5 is mainstream. 1.6 is about to be released.
* Most libraries have now switched to 1.5 and it's going to be real
hard to stay on 1.4 if we want to get bug fixes/new features from the
libraries we use
* Radu needs to use some google jars for his GSOC and they seem to
require JDK 1.5
* We already require 1.5 I believe (although it's a light dependency)
and have been requiring 1.5 for now several months (> 5 months) and
we haven't heard complaints from users about this

The vote is about officially dropping support for 1.4 and
standardizing on 1.5 (and thus allowing us to use the new features of
the language too like generics, annotations, etc).

Here's my +1

Please cast your votes.


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