Hi all,

This is about r.1.0.m1 version of xeclipse (XWiki-Eclipse-Plugin).

We have completed following tasks in this release,

1. Cleaned up source code ( need to be confirmed by Vincent )

2. Implemented adding/deleting pages.

    - Adding pages does not seem to work correctly due to some errors in XML-RPC implementation of XWiki, need to look into this.
    - Removing pages does not work at all because the corresponding XML-RPC is not implemented in XWiki.

3. Implemented adding/deleting spaces.

   - Adding spaces work fine.
   - Deleting spaces does not work (RPC not implemented in XWiki)

As it's obvious by now, we need to peek into XWiki internals to get these issues fixed. But since we have a scheduled release today (and these issues showed up all of a sudden), we thought of finishing the work from the plugin's end and uploading the relevant work. Anyway, those issues need to be fixed asap.

We have tested the work on a stand alone (HSQLDB) Xwiki installation, it would be really nice if someone can test the plugin on a real server and confirm the results :)

Vincent, I couldn't find an appropriate place to upload the files in XWIKI JIRA, so i thought of attaching relevant files into this email. I'm really sorry for any inconveniences.

Hope to hear from you very soon.

Thanks a lot!

- Tharindu & Asiri