Reopening as [ XWIKI- 21043 |#21043] and [ XWIKI- 20741 |#20741] don't seem to have fixed every use cases.
*Steps to reproduce* # Edit a page # Insert a large table (e.g. with 10 columns and 24 rows) with some data content, or use the XAR attached to reproduce it easier # Export the page as PDF keeping the default PDF Export options ticked (Cover, Table of Contents, Header, Footer) # In the exported PDF, observe the data from the first rows where a new page begins (page 6 in the provided xar)
*Expected results*
The data is the same on both the XWiki page and the exported PDF file.
*Actual results*
Some data is missing from the first row when a new page begins on the exported PDF file, see the attached screenshots.
!image-2024-05-14-10-15-58-276.png! h4. |