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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-90aae6e6-a26c-425c-a106-2602cce139a4 XWIKI-20187 Reopened

The TOC in notifications emails displays "$title" instead of the actual page title

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-efc578ff-a83c-48f7-9a5e-35503f4864f5 Changes by Simon Urli on 17/May/24 10:23
Version: 15.10.8
Description: h2. Steps to reproduce
For current With Admin set rights to prevent unregistered users to view pages
  * Create a
user : and login with it
Watch the wiki and enable page modification to be received by email
* Enable live email notifications for Pages
* Update notification email interval to "Live" Create a new page
* Disable notification filter which filters out events created by current user Check emails
* With same user, create page "Sandbox.Test.Webhome" with title "Test" and custom content.

h2. Actual result

The notification email TOC displays "$title" instead of the created document actual title. See capture below of an email received from an XWiki Cloud instance runnning XS 14.4.3.



Priority: Critical Major
Labels: regression

1 comment

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-efc578ff-a83c-48f7-9a5e-35503f4864f5 Simon Urli on 17/May/24 10:26

Ok I found the missing condition for reproducing it: you need specific rights on the page. Easiest way to reproduce is to just prevent unregistered users to see pages.
slauriere so it's not a regression: I reproduced same problem on 13.4.5. I assume you forgot to set the proper rights when you tried reproducing it.

So I lowered the priority since it needs specific conditions. Now I do reproduce indeed in 15.10.8 with the given conditions.