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XWiki Platform / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-917676bf-c29f-4635-9e83-665fe3a07362 XWIKI-19595 Open

Attachement with "+" in the name doesn't work

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cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-b2999f1a-8e43-4ebf-88dc-fffc964a1097 Thomas Mortagne on 24/May/24 09:20
bq. As a side note, if an image is uploaded using the Image Upload (Edit>Image>Upload>Choose File>Send it to the Server>Ok) the name of the file is properly shown in attachments. If however the image is just added as an attachment and then used, the + isn't shown.

OK, thanks  [~ganechitoaei]. I guess that's the difference between [~cracky5457] and me. I created XWIKI-19603 for the lost + sign.

I agree with [~camil7] that [~cracky5457]'s problem is most probably a setup problem. I think Apache HTTPD does something like this for example by default, see (it's mentionning / and \ but I think it's the same problem with +).