- have the office server connected (see Administration menu >> Content >> Office Server)
- create a new page with the WYSIWYG editor. Don't save it
- insert from an office document with an image (I've used this one: writer.docx
- click the "+" (Insert) button of the WYSIWYG
- click "Import Office File"
- select the office document to import
- click "Import"
- the office document is imported
- save the page with "Save and View"
Problematic behaviour At step 4 it's already possible to view the page, even if it hasn't been saved by the user, because of the automatic save. If the user decides to cancel the page creation, he will need to delete the page too. It's also possible to see two saves (after step 5) in the history tab. Expected behaviour The page shouldn't be saved before step 5 (see XWIKI-18810). Uploading an office document without an image inside will have the expected behaviour. |