Tested on XWiki 14.10.18 Standard HSQL Database Engine 2.7.1 with LibreOffice, Chrome 119 Results:
- Importing the file with style filter selected worked very slow (as expected) but with no errors. The page can be accessed but it takes some seconds till it opens.
- Importing the file with style filter deselected crashed the wiki - "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" errors appeared in the wiki page and in the console. To resolve this issue the start_xwiki.bat file was edited and the "XWIKI_OPTS=-Xmx1024m" modified to
- "XWIKI_OPTS=-Xmx2048m" - import worked very slow but with no errors, accessing the page works also very slow
- "XWIKI_OPTS=-Xmx3072m" - importing and accessing the page works a few seconds faster with no errors