The different behaviour of the following Verbatim block is somewhat surprising: {code:java} {{{ public static void nothing() { // nothing } }}}
{{{ public static void nothing() { // nothing }}}}
{{{ public static void nothing() { // nothing x}}} {code} See what happens in the following screencast: # First, the rendering is more or less as expected, however we can already see a somewhat differing font rendering between the middle example on one hand, and the first and last one on the other hand. # Opening the page in the WYSIWYG editor then shreds the layout of the middle example completely. # As we can see in the source view, also the source code is garbled / shredded, with all newlines gone. # Interestingly, this does not happen with the last example, which also includes an additional character on the closing line of the block, however a regular letter ({{ {} x { }} } ) instead of an additional closing bracket.
!Peek 2024-03-22 15-42.gif! ---- This is reproducible. * Xwiki LTS 15.10.7 * Browser Chromium Version 122.0.6261.94 (Offizieller Build) snap (64-Bit) * Ubuntu 22.04 (KDE neon actually) |