There are 5 updates, 1 comment.
XWiki Infrastructure / cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-bff3fba6-d95c-4fb5-b484-b7a799a6c3d5 XINFRA-21 Closed

Create an upgrade tutorial

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5 updates

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-332e6a63-5093-47c8-a58a-ce367c1b806a Changes by Vincent Massol on 14/Oct/24 16:12
Documentation in Release Notes: N/A
Documentation: N/A
Assignee: Vincent Massol
Resolution: Solved By
Status: Open Closed

1 comment

cid:jira-generated-image-avatar-332e6a63-5093-47c8-a58a-ce367c1b806a Vincent Massol on 14/Oct/24 16:12

Closing since this issue is very old and since then we've improved a lot the upgrade of XWiki + documented how to upgrade at

Please open a new more specific issue if something should still be improved. Thx