*Steps to reproduce* # Create an XWiki 16.3.0 RC1 instance # Login # Go to Notifications Settings # Under Custom Filters, click 'Add Filter' and add to populate the Live Data with some entries having different scopes, e.g. {{{}Page Only{}}}, {{{}Page and children{}}}, {{User}} # Sort the entries ascending and descending by 'Scope' column # Observe the order # Sort the entries ascending and descending by 'Location' column # Observe the order
*Expected results*
The entries corresponding to 'Scope' column are sorted ascending/descending alphabetically as expected, i.e. in this order: {{{}Page Only{}}}, {{{}Page and children{}}}, {{User}} and vice versa.
*Actual results*
The entries are sorted alphabetically only in ascending order and remain like that when the sorting is reverted descending.
There appears to be some sorting in the entries, but within the 'Location' column, although the sort is made from the 'Scope' column.
The issue (sorting by 'Scope') could not be reproduced on XWiki 16.3.0 RC1 Jetty/HSQLDB.
When sorting by 'Location' column, there are some entries that should have been placed at the top and some that should have been at the bottom, according to their alphabetical order (please see the attached screenshots). |