Branch: refs/heads/main
Commit: 43e1bd59f01429cfc78e2d7961e42926139de1f1…
Author: Manuel Leduc <manuel.leduc(a)>
Date: 2023-12-12 (Tue, 12 Dec 2023)
Changed paths:
M Jenkinsfile
M pnpm-lock.yaml
M pnpm-workspace.yaml
A sources/xwiki/mock-server/.env
A sources/xwiki/mock-server/package.json
A sources/xwiki/mock-server/src/index.ts
A sources/xwiki/mock-server/tsconfig.json
A web/e2e/main-page.spec.ts
R web/e2e/title.spec.ts
M web/package.json
M web/playwright.config.ts
R web/
Log Message:
CRISTAL-25: Add a first functional test
Introduce a mock server to replace the deployment of a full XWiki server.