Hi Ludovic,

Sorry I'm late on this (was on holiday). See below

On Mar 9, 2007, at 6:44 PM, Ludovic Dubost wrote:


I'm in the process of finishing an XWiki Google Web Toolkit API
(server-side and client-side).
I'd like to commit that one in the core including the Java code that is
compiled to Javascript. There is common code for both.
Curriki will also rely on this API.
It is not necessary that the build system compiles the code to
Javascript for the moment, however it is needed to compile the server code.

Currently I suggest commiting the code in:


I suggest committing this in a new module in xwiki/xwiki/trunk/web/gwt

One reason is that it's not going to work for m2 where you have currently committed it (in standard/). We won't be able to use the gwt maven2 plugin there.

Also it's cleaner to separate it from the rest. This is the general direction for the build: separate different "features" into different build modules for a better modularity.

Here's how I see it working with m2:

* The gwt m2 plugin generates the javascript from the java files in the generate-sources build phase
* We use the WAR plugin in gwt/ to wrap both the server java classes and the generated js into one WAR
* We then use the WAR overlay feature of the WAR plugin in standard/ to add the gwt WAR.

Please let me all know if you're ok with this and I'll do the move.

I also have a Google Web Toolkit client for the FeedPlugin. It's a very
cool RSS Aggregator interface.
It's only client side code. I'm not sure if it should be commit in the core.

I don't think it should be in the core but for now I'd rather we have it in a separate module in web/rssreader. Again the idea is to use the m2 plugin to generate a WAR overlay for the standard WAR.

In the future we need to think how to externalize this in the same way as we're externalizing plugins in xwiki-plugins. We can probably consider it as a XWiki Application in the same manner as we have Blog, Calendar, etc applications. We need a xwiki-applications directory for these (different from the current xwiki-applications which is for applications like Curriki sitting on top of XWiki). Then when we build the default wiki we'll include several of these applications in it and we'll also release them as XARs.

Again let me know about the creation of the rssreader module and I'll do it.

If it is it would be in


Can we vote for these 2 things:

- commit the API
- commit the RSS Reader

See above.
