On 7/24/07, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:

If our goal is to implement the Confluence XMLRPC interface ( http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Remote+API+Specification) then it seems to me we shouldn't throw XWikiException in any method in our ConfluenceRpcInterface interface. Several methods instead should return a boolean to indicate success or failure.

Does anyone know why we're throwing them?

I believe the reason is that we should be able to indicate to the user about what went wrong on the server. This is very useful since there may be situations where the user needs some help with. For an example if the user enters a wrong password when logging in, the exception says that something is wrong with logging details (or so it should). Similar situations apply for other operations as well. But having said that, the current implementation does not provide much help with error messages, we need to improve it.

Are we ok to remove all exception throwing?

I don't think this is a good idea. But  we'll wait for other opinions.


Best Regards,

- Asiri


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