
 I think I have completed my MetadataLuceneTutorial by now.

Could you please tell me :
- if it is relevant to the xwiki community ? otherwise I can remove it
- if it is not clear enough to meet the docs standards. For example : too many subjects at the same time ? do the code sources need to be rewritten so as to show more clearly where is the customization ?
- if it could be submitted, and to whom. To the devs list ? to the XWiki team only ?

If you have more or less already approved it, do you even plan to leave it as a tutorial, or do you want to see it as a description of a possible improvement to the core ? I think no one would have time to tutor me right now, otherwise I would be ready to contribute. If no one has time then it is better in my opinion to leave it as a tutorial, which will show people how things work. Just tell me if this is the case - its okay, there are so many more important things to do for the team.

Thanks a lot !

Jean-Vivien MAURICE
Ingénieur Informatique et Gestion, Polytech'Montpellier (ISIM)
E-mail : jean.vivien.maurice@gmail.com
Tél. : +33 6 76 70 88 02
(or else : +33 6 79 46 45 24)
Skype : jean.vivien