1. Add a new Action (com.xpn.xwiki.web.AnnotationAction). You can adapt
it from Comment
I createdd a new Action com.xpn.xwiki.AnnotationAddAction adapted from CommentAddAction
And i did all the others steps but i have an error when calling my method: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

I have few questions about this method:
 *   isResponseCorrect = captchaPluginApi.verifyCaptcha("param"); What should be referenced by "param"?
 *   I have substituated BaseClass baseclass = xwiki.getCommentsClass(context); by BaseClass baseclass = xwiki.getClass("XWiki.AnnotationClass", context);
 *   xwiki.saveDocument(doc, context.getMessageTool().get("param"),true,context); Again, What should be referenced by "param"?

2. In <webapp-root>/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml add the AnnotationAction
and map it to /annotate/
3. In com.xpn.xwiki.user.impl.xwiki.XWikiRightServiceImpl#getRight add:
actionMap.put("annotate", "comment");
4. Compile the modified XWikiRightServiceImpl and either replace the
existing class from xwiki-core-*.jar, or put it in
Or you can just rebuild the whole xwiki-core.

That's a lot of changes, and I don't like it. This is why I'd like to be
able to:
- Hook rights from plugins, without having to change and recompile core
- Add actions without having to change struts-config.xml

Sergiu Dumitriu
devs mailing list

Thank for your time