Hi Tony,

Here we do run xwiki on top of DB2 + JBoss. I can't help with websphere, but can explain how we did to use db2.  What we did basically is to install the xwiki db schema on Mysql, then used a tool for migrating from the mysql db to the DB2 schema.  2 steps:
1. We converted the DB schema (NOT the data, that does not work) from mysql to db2 using IBM's mysql to db2 migration toolkit (http://www-306.ibm.com/software/data/db2/migration/ , then MySQL to DB2 UDB for Linux, you need to register to obtain the tool but it's free).  This allowed us to have the Tables definitions set to the DB2 syntax.  Then you need to use your favorite tool to create the tables in your target DB2 schema.

2. With That small (and dirty) Java program that simply reads table from the Mysql source and writes it on the db2 data source...(source attached).  You need to include JDBC drivers for mysql and DB2 into your classpath in order to run that program. Quick and dirty, I told you... but it works.  note that this second step DOES NOT creates the tables, it is done in point 1.


Philippe Legrain

On 10/18/06, fanuzzi@us.ibm.com < fanuzzi@us.ibm.com> wrote:
  Since the Mailing list seems to be getting alot of replies lately I wanted to give this question another shot.

1. Has anyone successfully converted the existing XWiki MySQL schema to be used with DB2?

2. Has anyone successfully ran XWiki in the IBM WebSphere enviroment?  My past experience is that XWiki would not even start in WAS 6.1.


Tony Nuzzi

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