Hi Jerome,

Agree with you, I don't understand why user with "delete" right on a document can't delete it.

2007/12/11, Jerome Velociter < jerome@xwiki.com>:
Hi all,

Currently XWiki right service does not allow users that are not creators
of a document to delete it with only the "delete" right allowed on that
document, they must, to be able to actually delete it, have the "admin"
right allowed.
This is not totally clear to me if it is the behaviour we should expect,
but I would tend to say no, for two reasons :

* The delete right is a specific right entry, so it should provide what it
says : the right to delete. It is different from edit, so you can share
edition on (your) documents with your fellow co-workers, without
necessarily allowing them to delete those, and using this right entry, you
can also allow users & groups to delete documents without giving them the
"admin" right (which would allow them to program in groovy for example).
* For a document that hasn't been created by me, but on which I've got the
delete right (for example inherited from the space or wiki level), if I'm
not an admin (do not have the "admin" right) and I call
$doc.hasAccessLevel("delete"), the API will answer "true", but I won't be
able to actually delete the doc, which is misleading.

I've created a JIRA ( http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-1944) issue
for this and will provide a possible patch, please tell me what you think,
so that we can decide if indeed we can allow non-creators to delete
documents provided they have the delete right.


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Thomas Mortagne