Sorry about proposing my ideas here but they are linked to the observation component.
In my current studies, I have some needs but I can't say I know the architecture in details yet.
I need a component allowing to add some behaviours in the lifecycle of group of documents without modifying or adding too much code...
For example, in a space, I would like all documents to pass through a kind of filter modifying the content according to some rules when some events happen or to be intercepted according to some custom security rules etc...
I have seen the notification mechanism which is not quite satisfying and then the future observation component which should replace the notifications and which seems more interesting to me.
To summarize, I would need something allowing:
- to add intercepting and filtering features in the document lifecycle
- to create event listeners on known events
- to manage these behaviours with some simple rules'
- to add some custom behaviours on custom pointcuts like in AOP... I like this idea... AOP as a way to build document or space's templates or behaviors... An aspect oriented wiki if you want:)
without needing to code and compile too much...

What do you think about that? Is it already possible? Could the observation component be a good beginning for that?


On Sat, Mar 15, 2008 at 8:11 AM, Sergiu Dumitriu <> wrote:

How do you feel about the next usage scenarios for the observation

A. Simple observing of changes
This is the most common usage of the old notification mechanism. It
allows a listener to see when something gets changed. It receives as the
source the changed document, from which it can get the original document
(there's a doc.getOriginalDocument() method for this). For the moment,
the data argument is the context, as it is still a vital object for most
of the code, and it has to be passed around all the time.

The event will hold the type of change, like adding a new document,
deleting, or just saving a new version. In the future I'd like to
increase the granularity, to make this "change" a set of basic changes,
to be able to say that (object added, attachment removed, content
changed) is what happened to the document (see too).

With this event, a listener can then update some data indexer, like the
Lucene plugin does, or send the new documents/attachments to a
repository, or send a mail with the new code, or ping on IRC.

B. Simple observing of actions
This is also implemented in the old notification mechanism. It allows a
listener to monitor actions. It receives as the source the affected
document, and as the additional data the same context, as it is needed.

The event holds the action name, and I'd like to add the full URL, too,
as other important information might be in there. I don't know if
sending the complete request object is a good idea, but I think we
should be able to obtain it somehow.

With this event, a listener can update some statistics, refresh some
caches or cleanup some indexes, send an attachment to another repository
(like SVN), or, based on the URL, it can be used to take some action,
like if the action was "createspace" and the "notify=admins" parameter
was given in the request, then the observer can send the notifications,
without polluting the application code with the checks and mail sending

C. Precondition/Postcondition enforcing
The previous two use cases allow a simple ping that something has
already happened. (Actually, the listeners can also change the passed
document, as the actual object is sent.) But I'd like to be able to
write a listener that can say "this is not allowed, please stop this
action", or "these changes are not OK, don't save this document". So, a
precondition can be that "/save/" cannot be performed between 6PM and
7AM, which would be a needed feature in some companies, or that "/view/"
cannot be performed on the "SectionA" space from the IP addresses like
192.168.2.*, which belongs to the SectionB users (these are action
events). And a postcondition can be that the XWiki.XWikiPreferences can
only be updated by changing XWikiGlobalRights objects, other types of
changes can only be performed by a superadmin only, or that adding some
content that looks like spam is not allowed (these are document events).

So, on top of the previous use cases, I'd like to add a "phase" to the
events, which indicates if the event is sent before or after the change
(or we can just add new events), and a new type of exception thrown by
the listeners, which is not ignored. Right now, if a listener throws an
exception, it is ignored. This exception, when received by the code that
sends the notification, should stop the normal processing and display
"action not allowed" + ex.getMessage to the user.

D. Rendering hooks
While working on the SkinExtensions and trying to write a better #toc
macro, I was faced with the problem that there's no way a plugin can
change the rendered content at the end. Yes, it can alter it line by
line, and in theory there is an endRenderingHook sent with the content,
but that is actually buggy, as an empty string is sent instead of the
content, and the result is discarded. Still, even if fixed, this is sent
only for *rendered* content, not *parsed* content. My initial idea was
to change the PluginInterface by adding two new methods that will be
called before and after the content was generated, but that is a bad
idea, since the PluginInterface is already too big and has too many
types of methods. And since the new rendering component is not yet
available, I thought that we can also use events for this.

So, instead of writing new methods in the PluginInterface, we can add
other type of events, which gets sent in the parsing/rendering process.
That way, we don't need to have a plugin that implements all these
methods, and adding a new feature will require just sending a new type
of event, instead of changing an interface (which is dangerous).

The source would be an object holding the string, which can be modified
by the listeners. Other information could be the content document, if
there is one, the rendering/parsing context, anything else?

E. Other generic events
Like FlushCacheEvent, StartupEvent, ShutdownEvent, VirtualInitEvent,
VirtualShutdownEvent (sent when a wiki is deleted by the
WikiManagerEvent), Application[Added/Enabled/Disabled/Removed]Event
(sent by the ApplicationManager), Space[Added/Removed]Event (sent by the
SpaceManagerPlugin), etc.

Comments, please?
Sergiu Dumitriu
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