Hi Vincent,

Came back from home just yesterday, what is the status of releasing XEclipse ?

My final semester started from today. I might not be able to contribute a lot during this period, but I will keep in touch for sure.


- Asiri

On 10/18/07, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:

On Oct 16, 2007, at 10:36 AM, Fabio Mancinelli wrote:

> On Oct 15, 2007, at 6:25 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The XEclipse 1.0M2 release was supposed to be done on the 8th of
>> October but since I was on a trip I wasn't able to do it.
>> We need to replan its release.
>> Since Fabio has started working on it I'd like to know when we can
>> release it?
> I did a bit of "high level" refactoring on XEclipse that only touched
> the surface (already committed).
> I didn't go deeper because I would have broken the current build and
> I think that low level changes are quite difficult to accommodate in
> the current XEclipse structure.
> In particular the caching logic should be revised because this is a
> very sensible feature for the product and it should be as clean and
> maintainable as possible and, of course, well tested. I am spending
> some time on it trying factor it out as a separate component and I'll
> post a version to be peer-reviewed soon.

ok cool.

> There are some other things to be revised and, as I wrote in a
> previous email, they are basically features that are not written
> having in mind the "Eclipse-way" of doing things. But these are minor
> changes and some of them have already been done.
> So, to return to the release date issue, we could release XEclipse
> 1.0M2 as it is now, and plan another release with the all the
> refactorings in 2 weeks  (let's say monday 29)

+1, let's do it. I need to try the new conflict warning feature
though. Has anyone verified it works?

Ping me on irc when you're ready to release XEclipse 1.0M2.

>> Fabio, would you be interested in being the Release Manager for
>> XEclipse and in doing the release of XEclipse 1.0M2 (I can explain to
>> you how to do it)?
> Yes, I would be glad to do it!

cooool :)

> As a side note: we should spend some time trying to figure out how to
> integrate maven with PDE builds. Currently XEclipse is built as a
> single plugin and this could not be enough. If we want to build it
> (also) as a standalone RCP application (as the one I gave to some of
> you), possibly made of different plugins (e.g., xeclipse.core,
> xeclipse.ui) with a reference target platform that should also be
> made available through the maven repository to developers, we will
> need to fiddle a little bit with all of this because, as you already
> know, maven and PDE are not very good friends :(

I've used the maven PDE plugin from

I think it supports plugins, features and products. See

Is a "product" the same as an RCP application?

Do you think you could work on modifying the maven build so that we
can release both an RCP application and a plugin?


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