OK for me. (+1)

On 2/12/07, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:

I'd like to define a location in SVN where we can put XWiki
applications (i.e. sets of xwiki pages). For example I'd like to put
the Selenium application I wrote in there. I've been thinking about
where best to put these and here's my proposal:

* Create a xwiki-applications directory (with trunk/, branches/ and
tags/) in svn.forge.objectweb.org/svnroot/xwiki
* Have the following directory structure:

   |_ wikis/
     |_ default/
   |_ applications/
     |_ panels/
     |_ selenium/
     |_ blog/
     |_ calendar/
     |_ ...

* The default/ module will depend on several applications like
panels, blog, calendar, etc.
* All modules in xwiki-applications all produce a XAR when built
* We move the current xwiki/xwiki/trunk/wikis/** to xwiki-

* There's already a xwiki-apps/ director y in SVN (for agilepm and
gelc). I'm proposing to rename it to xwiki-extensions/ and to move
agilepm to a sandbox. I'm proposing to create a sandbox for
applications in xwiki-applications/trunk/sandbox and move agilepm in

Let me know if you're ok with this.

For jeremi and everyone workong on gelc, it shouldn't have much
impact apart from the fact that you'll need to copy any uncommitted
changes in the new directory (but that's a single copy - Simply make
sure you don't copy the .svn files and you should be good - I have
done that several times and it's very easy actually).

Note: The reason this is urgent is that I need to commit the selenium
application in order to start writing more functional tests and to
formalize how we do our functional tests. We need that ASAP for 1.0.

