well the DWR tutorial was never completed, and its the next project.
In fact what I am doing with this tutorial (and hopefully with another one talking about DWR and tree view) is the result of my end-of-studies internship. The prototype I have done at my internship company was rejected by my company's management. But everybody was impressed by the work i had done, which was basically porting one system to a wiki platform, so using xwiki as a basis and extend it a bit. Since my prototype will not be used for further dev by the company, I am trying to give something back from my internship - 4 months of work *have* to produce something useful, and I hope it will be my xwiki tutorials.

I will correct everything in the tut' when i am back from a family trip (after the 4th of March, thus). In the meantime, please put my tutorial into the draft section and let the dev community decide what to do with it (or do whatever you want with it). Just tell me what has happened... We can add the functionnality to the core (though I will need help from  on how to design the modifications that have to be made). It will be a pleasure to work on this for me, and to give something back to XWiki. It will not be done overnight, though. If I get a job from the 1st of April, then I may not have much time in April. Of course during March i will definitely have time to devote to XWiki :-). i am up to it, if you want...
On 2/26/08, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:
BTW Jean-Vivien you also have another tutorial you had started on http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/PluginDWR
which could also be moved at the same location we decide to move
this new tutorial.


On Feb 26, 2008, at 9:41 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:

> I forgot to clearly say I was very impressed by the done work by
> Jean-Vivien.
> Seems he's really researched the xwiki development capabilities!
> Jean-Vivien, since you seem to have a really good grasp of XWiki I
> hope you'll consider contributing improvements to it and maybe even
> join us as a  committer one day :)
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> On Feb 26, 2008, at 9:36 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:
>> Hi everyone and Jean-Vivien,
>> Jean-Vivien has done a lot of good work adding a tutorial on
>> xwiki.org.
>> See http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/MetadataLuceneTutorial
>> However I'm wondering where we should put it. Here's my current
>> thinking:
>> * This tutorial reflects Jean-Vivien's point of view only since it's
>> never been discussed AFAIK and there's no general agreement about its
>> content with the rest of the xwiki developers. As such I don't think
>> it can be located in at the same level as the other tutorials which
>> have been "endorsed" by the xwiki community.
>> I see 2 solutions:
>> 1) We move it to the draft area and Jean-Vivien submits it for review
>> to the xwiki dev community. If the community agrees this is the right
>> way to implement it we put it with the other tutorials/
>> 2) We move it to a contribution area that clearly marks the document
>> as a contributor's view and not as endorsed by the xwiki development
>> community. We don't have such a place today so we'll need to create
>> it. We could create it as a subpage of the Tutorial page in the
>> DevGuide or we could move it to the code zone to the code snippet
>> space since what Jean-Vivien has done is basically provide code
>> snippets to extend xwiki. It's a little bit more than a code snippet
>> since it's also a tutorial so I'm not sure the code zone is the best
>> place for it.
>> WDYT?
>> Jean-Vivien, some quick comments/questions on the content:
>> * Jens Karmer was the original author of the Lucene plugin. Since
>> then
>> it's been worked on by numerous people.
>> * You shouldn't put ":" in titles
>> * The tutorial is missing a section at the beginning to explain what
>> the tutorial is about
>> * I haven't read the tutorial yet but if what you've done is useful
>> why not consider improving xwiki's core to support what you need? For
>> example it seems to me you're asking for a way to add custom metadata
>> to the lucene plugin. This could easily be added as part of the
>> lucene
>> plugin API.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent

devs mailing list

Jean-Vivien MAURICE
Ingénieur Informatique et Gestion, Polytech'Montpellier (ISIM)
E-mail : jean.vivien.maurice@gmail.com
Tél. : +33 6 76 70 88 02
(or else : +33 6 79 46 45 24)
Skype : jean.vivien