Hi Jean-Vivien,

I've now reviewed your changes to the plugin tutorial. What I understand is that you've added the part about Examples, right?

I think the examples are too restrictive of what you can do with XWiki. I think it would be better to list existing plugins and what they do, and even better simply link to the Code.Plugins page that lists all plugins so that readers know more what they can do with plugins.

WRT the API we simply need to direct them to this page I think:

I'd remove the 2 examples that you've added and replace them with the above.


If you agree, could you update the page? If not, let me know and I'll do it.

Thanks again

On Oct 25, 2007, at 9:25 AM, jvivien.m2 jvivien.m2 wrote:


I'd like to write a tutorial about using DWR (www.getahead.org) )with XWiki plugins. This is about third party software, but I think it can be something that people creating plugins for xwiki might want to use. This way I can share my experience (Ive been working with that for two months). I dont have any interest with the guy who developped it, I just think its a good tool to use. I havent heard of an equivalent solution developped by XPN. Though just let me know if it exists.
Do you think its a good idea? Im gonna write it, just delete it if you dont like, or tell me what to change.

See <a href="http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/PluginDWR ">[DevGuide.PluginDWR]</a>

Can you also review <a href="http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/CreatingPlugins#HPluginlifecycle ">the plugin creaton intro</a> ? Im not sure my last contrib was relevant/true. I think that someone needed to start putting this kind of info in the Developper guide, anyway.
Jean-Vivien MAURICE
Elève Ingénieur Informatique et Gestion, Polytech'Montpellier (ISIM)
E-mail : jvivien.m2@wanadoo.fr
Tél. : 0046 7 62 33 20 46
Skype : jean.vivien
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