This proposal is fully accepted. Here are the results:

- jeremi: +1
- jean-vincent: +1
- ludovic: +1
- sergiu: +1
- vincent: +1

Some have not voted :-(
- nam
- marta
- amelentev
- jkraemer
- tepich
- slauriere
- moghrabi
- wr0ngway
- torcq
- rewbs
- sgaide

I wonder if these persons shouldn't have been contributors rather than committers... :-)

I am now modifying the permissions accordingly in ObjectWeb.


On Jan 4, 2007, at 1:47 PM, Vincent Massol wrote:


Following our recently accepted definition of Committers/Emeritus Committers (see and the email entitled "[Important] Definition of Committers and their roles and responsibilities" I sent on the 28/12/2006, I have now reviewed the SVN logs to see who have been active committers for the past year.

I've put some statistics on I've also used another tool to generate more information and to find out who's not been active for more than 1 year. Note that other stats can be seen here too:

As a reminder the goals for this are:
* Get more active committers and more participations
* Establish rules for defining what a Committer is
* Get more transparent to the community by establishing rules and thus have clear rules for accepting new committers
* Be fair to everyone

I have noticed that there are 3 areas of Committers in XWiki:
- Core Committers: Committers working on XWiki Core (i.e. the main XWiki distribution)
- Committers working on applications built on top of XWiki (for example Curriki). Of course Core committers can also be Application Committers
- Research Project Committers: We've had a few of them for the Google Summer of Code for example and we have some new ones joining us to continue the work on the P2P project.

Note that non Core Committers cannot commit to the Core. They need to send patches as other contributors.

Core Committers

Thus I'd like to propose to confirm the following persons as Core Committers (who have been active during the past 1 year):

- ludovic - Ludovic Dubost
- vmassol - Vincent Massol
- sdumitriu - Sergiu Dumitriu
- jeremi - Jeremi Joslin
- namphunghai - Phung Hai Nam
- marta_girdea - Marta Girdea
- jvdrean - Jean-Vincent Drean
- amelentev - Artem Melentev
- jkraemer - Jens Krämer
- tepich - Jiri Luzny
- wr0ngway - Matthew Conway
- slauriere - Stéphane Laurière
- torcq - Cédric Torcq
- moghrabi - Xavier MOGHRABI
- rewbs - Robin Fernandes
- sgaide (just 1 year) - Sébastien Gaïde - Sebastien has expressed the desire to contribute an installer to XWiki. Thus even though he's not committed for just a year I'm proposing to keep him as an active committer

Of course anyone on this list can decide to be moved to the Emeritus Committer status if he/she wants.

Curriki Committers

- jeremi - Jeremi Joslin
- ludovic - Ludovic Dubost

Research Project Committers

- thimel - Arnaud Thimel
- chrabiehroy - Roy Chrabbieh

Emeritus Committers

And I propose to move the following as Emeritus Committers:

- kevingc - Kevin Chiu
- hasseeb - Abdul Haseeb
- kaaloo (just 1 year) - Luis Arias
- bikash - bikash agarwalla
- thomas (just 1 year) - thomas doucedame
- akartmann - Alexis KARTMANN
- erwan (just 1 year) - Erwan Arzur
- ptcoder - Pedro Ornelas
- tim - Timothée Peignier
- davidbrady - David Brady
- alberto - Alberto Saavedra
- mpetrashev - Maxim Petrashev
- huyennt - Nguyen Thanh Huyen
- chungnv - Nguyen Viet Chung
- arjunan - Arjunan
- mileticn - Nebojsa Miletic

In addition the following ids have never committed and will thus not be Committers (they were added as developers on If they need to commit they'll have to be voted in:

- alis - Ali Sakebi
- cburleso - Cody Burleson
- denis - Denis Hovart
- dgrizzanti - David Grizzanti
- ebilange - Eric Bilange
- gflandre - Guillaume Flandre
- glaforge - Guillaume Laforge
- jdelaulanie - jean de laulanie
- ldesmarets - laurent desmarets
- leonardosouza - Leonardo Souza
- Mahefasoa - NY HERIARIVONY
- mjobert - Matthieu Jobert
- mno - Max Nokhrin
- nicka - Nick Astete
- nthomas - Nicolas Thomas
- poussin - Benjamin POUSSIN
- raffaello - Raffaello PELAGALLI
- ramihery - ramihajamalala hery
- tuan08 - Tuan Nguyen
- yunz - Yun Zhu

Of course this is just a proposal and anyone listed here who do not agree, please contact me directly. It's very much possible I've made a mistake.

I'll allow for 1 week to ensure everyone has a chance to see this mail.
