On 3/18/07, Vincent Massol <vincent@massol.net> wrote:

On Mar 18, 2007, at 9:35 AM, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:

On 3/18/07, Vincent Massol < vincent@massol.net> wrote:

On Mar 17, 2007, at 3:33 AM, erockx wrote:

> I actually do want the xwiki app to be deployed to the root context.
> Unfortunately, I don't have the ability through my hosting serviece
> to setup
> mod_redirect.  Is there some way I can set this up?
> I currently have 1.0-beta-5 installed, but I'd be willing to go to the
> repository to get another version if necessary to make this happen.

Currently xwiki cannot be deployed to the root context. You have to
deploy it to the "xwiki" context.

I deployed several XWiki instances in other contexts than xwiki, including one as ROOT.

What about  http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-788?

It is still valid, but only advanced features are affected. A simple wiki works fine in any context, since the hardcoded /xwiki/ has been removed from critical files. Still, things like treeview or s5 don't work yet.

So are you're saying that it works with the following kind of paths?

No, but http://server.com/customcontext/bin/view/Main/ or http://server.com/bin/view/Main yes. Check out http://www.infoiasi.ro/bin/view/Main/ or http://www.uaic.ro/uaic/bin/view/Main/

With a little tuning, you can make it work.

Do you know what is involved? That would be interesting as a comment on XWIKI-788

In the trunk, javascript files are being parsed, so now we can search for all 'xwiki/' strings in the template and skins directories and replace it with $(I forgot what). The same thing should be done for the database documents.
The only major thing that needs to be changed is the display-name property in WEB-INF/ web.xml to an empty value, like:

This I don't understand :) Why would that affect deployment?

I'm not sure why, but without this it does not work (404).

If you are using the default database from the beta5, most things should be working already. Not all the hardcoded references to the 'xwiki' webapp have been checked though, so there might be cases where things don't work, but this is limited to some pages or API calls that usually are not used (at least I never needed them).

That said I noticed we had a META-INF/context.xml file with a context
of "/". I'll find out why. In the meantime, try to remove that file
if you're deploying on Tomcat (if you're not deploying on Tomcat this
file won't be used).

It seems to work fine with it, anyway.

Probably better to remove it though. Were you deploying to Tomcat? Ah you might have been using a newer version of Tomcat (5.x) which doesn't allow deploying to the context root in context.xml and thus the value is ignore... ;-)

Better remove it in any case as I don't understand the purpose it serves.


