I really like the WYSIWYG editor's "Add/edit link" feature.  One problem, though, is XWiki headings.  There are two problems generally:  first, it isn't intuitive how to name the link.  For example, for a level-2 XWiki heading (1.1 in Wiki markup, generates HTML h3 element of class "heading-1-1") named Styles, the fragment identifier was "HStyles".  Also, a level-1 (h2, class "heading-1") was also named by prepending an "H" to the heading text. Is this the way it's supposed to work, where in the "link" field I have to put "Hsomething" for a link to a heading called "something", unless there's another heading with that same text, which could be added after I compose that link and then what do I do...?
The other is that following the link causes the page to scroll to just below the heading text, which is a bit confusing.
