Le 14 janv. 08 à 15:18, Vincent Massol a écrit :
But the database gets filled right way, doesn't it ?

Ok I wasn't precise enough. Since XWiki doesn't see security classes (like XWiki.XWikiRights) it sets itself into no security mode. it's only when you import those classes that suddenly it starts checking rights.

Looks better.

 So we loose admin rights fairly easily (eg. changing browsers).
What? I don't understand what you're saying. What does this have to do with browsers? Only thing you may loose by changing browsers are the cookies but that's just a convenience you can always log in again with your user...

Erm... with which user since I have never logged-in yet ? 

 I did not really experience what you describe, maybe I changed browsers halfway, in doubt that Safari or OmniWeb was imperfectly supported.
In all cases, how long should this admin right last ? The method seems slightly unsafe to my taste. I really prefer to take a stab at the config.

That won't change anything at all. All you'd do by enabling the superadmin user is introduce a security hole.

Except superadmin has all rights which others should be restricted to have fairly quickly.
I think installation instructions should go as far as a reasonably safe wiki, e.g. where programming rights are limited to a handful of controlled users and public editing is clearly warned as a possibility.

Now, you're starting to make me shiver that I might have no secured enough of my xwiki installations... and indeed I saw a friend editing velocity to my (bad) surprise.

I think you don't understand what I'm saying :)

I think I do.

Most other "easy to install platforms" nowadays have a kind of wizard for the first-time connection which even includes the config of the database connection. This is at least the case of Moodle and Drupal. I remember a friend forwarding me:
I think it the eXo platform and Jahia are other examples with a configurator. 

Are you talking about something else now? I thought the topic of this email was about getting an "empty database" from Morten...

To me this is related... under the same broad topic of "getting xwiki and bringing it to production state". I changed the subject ;-).
