
The best thing to do is to download the xar on http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Download/ . Then you go to administration / import and you upload the xar to your wiki. Then you click on its name, wait a bit for the javascript to act. A list of all the pages in it will be displayed. unselect all and then select onyl Panel.Navigation. Click on import. You're done.


On 15/05/07, thegios <gandalf@freeweb.be > wrote:

I deleted by mistake the NAVIGATION panel of the standard installation, the
one with collapsable spaces.
Could pls someone post the code?

Also, in this panel, I would like to avoid listing certain pages in some
spaces: how can i achieve this?

Thanks a lot

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Navigation-panel-tf3759045.html#a10624654
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