Oops! Operating system... :-(  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system . I know platform is extensively used with a lot of meanings. In this case it seems a platform, XWiki (application software), running on top of another platform (system software + hardware). But of course criticism is easier than to propose an alternative! So, let's see if I am able to propose something about that... :-)
It will be great to help with this page (or any other)... I'll do my best! But it would be advisable I have a better understanding about the whole thing! I'm catching up with that. In fact some users here have started some help pages: I've advised them to go to xwiki.org, check there and try to help building this help repository. It makes no sense doing things twice!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Your XEN ICT Team

>>> Vincent Massol<vincent@massol.net> 11/7/2007 11:34 >>>
Hi Ricardo,

- First, as you've asked about the distinctions it means the description on the download page isn't good enough so that needs to be improved. I wouldn't mind getting your help for that :)
- Second, you say that there's a confusion on the word "platform" in the download page. I checked it and cannot see the confusion. However I don't understand what "Operative System" means... ;)
