(Sorry, if this post comes twice.)

I'm testing the version RC1 and have some thoughts about the Lucene-plugin:

At the moment there is no method in the API to choose between the sorting directions. I think there should be one.

Boolean Queries
Is the default query-type going to stay an ORed one? Should it better be an AND-query, like Google? I think most of the surfers expect that nowadays. At least there could be method to choose between them.

Search results are a bit confusing now. When I search for a word that appears both in a document, in it's attachment and in it's object's properties I get three hits. One for each type. There a special cases, of course, but I think it would be more usable to get in my example case by default just one hit. There would still remain a method ("type: object") to distinguish between the types in a query.    

If you like, I can provide patches for the two first (minor) issues.
