Hi Morgan,

one thing you could do (though this is not "clean" at all and may well prevent the WYSIWYG editor from working on your page) is using an iframe (the way shown here: http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Code/ViewOfficeDocument) to display yor attached text document on the wiki page itself.


On 26/06/07, Morgan Fletcher <morgan.fletcher@modius.com> wrote:
Thanks, Catalin. I will attach my notes rather than trying to paste them
in-line. I don't want to have to escape special characters.

BTW, I was able to figure out the schema of xwiki with mysqldump, as well as
getting a backup. I found and deleted the row which contained the malformed
empty space and now it's gone from the xwiki pages as well.


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