Hi Brian.

Sorry for the lack of clarity there, it was late in my part of the world.

This is my understanding of it in general, but  I am sure someone can correct how it relates to xwiki along the way.

Hibernate hides the process of creating objects and populating them with data retrieved from the database.

The Java objects have an almost direct relationship to the database structure.  The tables are represented by classes and the columns are represented by properties of the object.

So when an object is created, it already fully represents the table structure.  This gives you the advantage of being able to describe the equivalent of SQL queries very simply by referring to their properties.

There are getters and setter for the properties so to select a particular item from the database all you have to do is "get" that property with the value you want.

Example:  Instead of "SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = '22'" you could just use something like ...

item = getSession().get(foo.id, '22');

This is the beautiful bit about it.  "item" is now an object with all the data from that row of the table and you can adjust the properties with the setter methods.

Example:  Instead of "UPDATE foo SET Name='New Name', Age='36' WHERE id='22'" 

item.setName("New Name");

Note:  When you want to update the database you just call method (eg update(item)) and your object returns all the current object properties to the appropriate row in the database.

So how does this relate to XWiki?  The mapping of xwiki object to the MySQL database is in xwiki.hbm.xml.  Using the hibernate query from the category field in the blog as an example.

Example:  select prop.value from BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as prop where obj.className='Blog.Categories' and prop.id.id = obj.id and prop.id.name='name' 

From looking at the mapping I can see that "BaseObject" is of the class "com.xpn.xwiki.objects.BaseObject" and it is mapped to the table "xwikiobjects" in the database.

It is then aliased to "obj".  

I can also see that the property "className" of "obj" is mapped to "XWO_CLASSNAME", "name" is mapped to "XWO_NAME" and "id" is mapped to "XWO_ID".

"StringProperty" is a joined subclass (hibernate returns all the subclasses automatically) and  is mapped to "com.xpn.xwiki.objects.StringProperty" which relates to the table "xwikistrings".  In that subclass "value" is mapped to "XWS_VALUE".

StringProperty is then aliased as prop.

So after all that, what we are trying to say is something to the effect of "give me a list object that is made up of the names of the categories".  

Why do we have to do it like that?  Because the data is described generically in the database schema and stored in 3 different places.  To retrieve it you need to ask first to find the objects of the wiki defined class 'Blog.Categories' then you need to retrieve the properties related to those objects (in this case, only the strings) and then you want to list the values of those strings.

So the strength of XWiki is that you can create classes, instances of those classes and manipulate them through the wiki pages to represent almost anything.  It also means that it is very independent of the backend (as shown by using HQSQL in the standalone version).

However, the drawback is that you need to understand clearly how your classes are put together because the data is spread across the database (Remember, your classes/objects that you have created are represented in the database by the generic BaseObject and its properties).

Getting back to using this info.  I find mostly that the $xwiki, $request and $doc objects give you access via the api to most of what you need anyway without getting that deep into it.

Example: From the mapping file I can see that the string property "fullName" in class com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument (eg $doc or doc) relates to "XWD_FULLNAME" in the "xwikidoc" table.

So if I wanted to list all the different webspaces in my xwiki with the default page of "WebHome" I know that "doc" represents the "xwikidoc" table and "fullName" represents "XWD_FULLNAME" so I write the "where" part of the query as  "doc.fullName like '%.WebHome'"

The searchDocuments method of $xwiki translates this as "select distinct doc.web, doc.name from com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument as doc where fullName like '%.WebHome'"

So you end up with a list as demonstrated below in a Velocity setting.

#set($whereclause = "doc.fullName like '%.WebHome'")
#set($mylist = $xwiki.searchDocuments($whereclause))
1.1 The list returned


1.1 Individual items
#foreach ($item in $mylist)
#set($thisdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($item))
* $thisdoc.getFullName()

Hope that wasn't too wandering and full of mistakes.  It is just from poking around a bit inside so could be completely misguided.  I look forward to comments.



On 25 Mar 2006, at 2:30 AM, THOMAS, BRIAN M ((SBCSI)) wrote:

Okay; will do.

But I was just about to reply that if you omit the result-list ("select field, field, ...") then the returned value is the object type of the first object in the "from" list.  Exactly what I wanted, and it sounds like what you were describing, but your examples didn't show it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Robinson [mailto:mark.robinson@hk.tntfreight.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 11:35 AM
To: xwiki-users@objectweb.org
Subject: Re: HQL question (wasRE: [xwiki-users] SQL hair-pulling)

Hi Brian.

Check this thread out.




On 25 Mar 2006, at 12:57 AM, THOMAS, BRIAN M ((SBCSI)) wrote:


Sounds intriguing, but I'm puzzled about a lot of details, like:   
how do you do that?

Probably an example would be very useful.  Do you have one handy?


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Robinson [mailto:mark.robinson@hk.tntfreight.com]
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 10:48 AM
To: xwiki-users@objectweb.org
Subject: Re: HQL question (wasRE: [xwiki-users] SQL hair-pulling)

It seems to be like ADODB, forget about query strings.  Create an 
object.  Set variables, indicate the relationships (eg joins) and call 
the method fpr retrieving the data.

Result data as an object.   Updates are a breeze.



On 25 Mar 2006, at 12:32 AM, THOMAS, BRIAN M ((SBCSI)) wrote:

Would this perhaps be why I can't use an arbitrary expression as a 
result field?

Specifically, my query for objects less than a week old used the SQL 

    subdate(curdate(), 7)

which worked fine when used in a comparison to a date field in the 
WHERE clause, but provoked an error when I tried to use it in the 
column-list, which is (I believe) clearly legal SQL syntax.  If this 
were a feature that HQL simply didn't support, it would explain the 
problem.  Indeed, that is what the error message seems to say:

Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page 
Brian.WorkPagesTest Wrapped Exception: Invocation of method 'search' 
in class com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki threw exception class
com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException : Error number 3223 in 3: Exception
while searching documents with sql select subdate(curdate(), 7),
prop.value, [...] where [...] or subdate(curdate(), 7) <=
prop.value ) [...]
Wrapped Exception: No data type for node:
 +-METHOD_CALL? MethodNode: '('
 | +-METHOD_NAME? IdentNode: 'subdate' {originalText=subdate}
 | -EXPR_LIST? SqlNode: 'exprList'
 |    +-METHOD_CALL? MethodNode: '('
 |    |  +-METHOD_NAME? IdentNode: 'curdate' {originalText=curdate}
 |    |  -EXPR_LIST? SqlNode: 'exprList'
 |    -NUM_INT? LiteralNode: '7'

-----Original Message-----
From: jeremi joslin [mailto:jeremi23@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:47 PM
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] SQL hair-pulling
Yes, XWiki is using  hibernate for the database mapping. So it's not 
a sql query, but a hql query. You use the objects and members name to 
make the request. (if you don't know the hql, you can take a look to 
the hibernate documentation : 


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