Thanks Jerome and Guillaume,

I followed Jerome's detailed instruction and did it. I just realize the Admin tool bar still exists. And in IE 6 there is no small icon, and in IE 7 the bar doesn't slide in. And btw, I got a little confusion as I don't know how to "save" after the green arrow is on. (it's ok now.)

just two quick questions:
  1. could the registration page be set to public in the same way? I don't see a "Register" or similar page on the list
  2. by default, /xwiki links to /xwiki/bin/login/XWiki/XWikiLogin , how could i make it direct to other page? like dashboard or wiki or blog page of the global space? I think i've checked all admin pages (but not yet scanned all doc)
>Hope you'll manage to achieve your objectives... We'll be glad to have a reference from you added on once you're done ;-)

Sure, I'll put up a beta site a few hours later. It may be a better to add to the References page after my site is stabilized. So far I can't find a better option than XWS for building a organization wiki + member publishing and sharing site.


On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 6:28 PM, Guillaume Lerouge <> wrote:

- Click the "Administration" link in the XWiki toolbar

You can access the Administration toolbar by moving your mose over the small icon at the top left of the page (the tools on a transparent background, you maight not see them if you're not using Firefox), on hover the menu will unfold and provide you with the "Administration" link Jérome is talking about (which is different from the "Global Admin" link on a red background).

- Click the "Space rights" tab in the administration page
- Select your organization top-level space in the drop-down list (the one
without any suffix: Space_MyOrganization, not Space_MyOrganization_Wiki or
- Once its loaded, click twice the checkbox for unregistered users under
"view" to have it green-checked (it should appear with a red circle at
- ... and your done! The _Wiki, _Blog, etc. spaces will inherit their
rights from that top-level one, so you shouldn't have anything to do for

If you want to have registered users able to comment, you can check the
"comment" box for XWikiAllGroup as well.

Hope you'll manage to achieve your objectives... We'll be glad to have a reference from you added on once you're done ;-)



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