  I'm attempting to do a little AJAX-type stuff and I need a way to grab just the contents of a particular page without all the headers, sidebars and footers, but with the standard rendering (tags, plugins, etc) working.

Basically, if I have a page "Main.testpage" containing this:
  I am some [somelink>text].

I'd like to be able to make a javascript call to some url and get the rendered page:
 I am some <a href="somelink">text</a>.

(Notice there's no headers, menus, edit buttons, etc.)

I've been looking into the xwiki source.  I was hoping there was something like a "justcontents" action (ie "http://sitename/xwiki/bin/justcontents/Main/testpage"), but there doesn't appear to be.

I found the xmlrpc interface, but there's a few issues to overcome, one of which is that I'd somehow have to get and store the username and password in the javascript (on the client side) to make the login token for the getPage() function.

If there is nothing simple built-in, and xmlrpc is the only way, is there a good way around the password issue?  (or even how to get the password)?

Anyone try something similar? Am I going about this in the entirely wrong way?


Tom Kliethermes